

Active discussions
Passionate arguments
Philosophy, society, politics

These are things you enjoy? Then join us!

Debating is a team sport which engages the mind. Its character of competition takes political, social, and even philosophical topics and turns them into heated and interesting discussions, which above all bring one thing: fun. We are looking forward to everyone who is interested in debating.

We meet each week to debate topics in the same way as it is practiced in many universities around the world. The debating style we use is British Parliamentary Style (BP) which is practiced worldwide. We frequently travel both domestically and internationally to attend tournaments.

Both experienced debaters and newcomers are welcome! No previous debate experience is required. Just swing by to our meetings (the schedule is on the right) or come to the beginner’s evening: This takes place on the first Monday (in German) and Thursday (in English) of the month.

If you have any questions, please write to debating@rwth-aachen.de.

Maps and directions to our meeting locations can be found on our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/AachenDebating/